
4C’s of Diamonds

Are you looking for a dazzling diamond? Diamond selection with us starts by understanding what defines each diamond. Diamonds are graded based off the 4Cs - cut, colour, clarity and carat weight. The 4Cs of diamonds impact the stone’s beauty and value. Learn more about each of the diamond 4Cs below.

  • A diamond’s cut refers to how well-proportioned the dimensions of a diamond are, and how these surfaces, or facets, are positioned to create sparkle and brilliance.

  • The absence of colour in a diamond is the rarest and therefore, the most expensive. While the majority of our customers choose a D or E colour grade, many go with a beautiful near colourless grade to make the most of their budget and allocate more on the best cut that they can afford (which gives them more sparkle).

  • Diamond clarity is the assessment of small imperfections on the surface and within the stone. Surface flaws are called blemishes, while internal defects are known as inclusions. In most cases, a diamond’s beauty is not affected by these in any way since most inclusions can’t be seen with the naked eye.

  • The term carat is often misunderstood. It refers to a diamond's weight, not its size. Carat refers to the weight of a diamond. 1ct = 200mg

    Carat is also one of the biggest factors that impacts a diamond price

Natural (Earth Mined Diamonds)

Natural diamonds were formed millions to billions of years ago in Earth’s mantle by having carbon structures that were trapped withing rocks and subject to high levels of heat and pressure and then were explosively carried by kimberlite and lamproite volcanoes to Earth’s surface, often carrying fascinating inclusions within them.

As one of the most exclusive integrated diamond retailer, we offer a vast collection of the world’s finest cut diamonds. Our diamonds are pre-selected for exceptional quality with well-graded elements of the 4Cs: cut, colour, and clarity.

  • Our manufacturing and sourcing partners are fully vetted to ensure that we only obtain diamonds that are 100% Kimberley Process compliant.

  • We carry a large variety of diamond shapes so that you have the choice of buying what you like. We carry Round, Oval, Pear, Cushion, Princess, heart, Emerald, Asscher and many more.

  • All our large size diamonds come with a GIA or an IGI certification with laser inscription to give you the peace of mind that what you see is what you get.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab Grown Diamonds also referred as Man-made diamonds or artisan created diamonds are similar to natural diamonds in their chemical composition and structure. The only difference is that they are produced in controlled environments in specialized manufacturing facilities to get the best product. The Lab grown Diamonds are produced using HPHT

Are Lab Grown diamonds real diamonds?

Lab diamonds are real diamonds. They contain the same cubic crystalline form of pure carbon that is also found in natural diamonds. Both natural and lab diamonds offer the same visual and chemical qualities, bringing long-lasting brilliance to any piece of high-quality jewellery.

  • the HPHT method was invented back in the 1950’s whereby diamonds are produced using high-pressure, high-temperature conditions similar to what natural diamonds experience in the earth. HPHT diamond growth occurs at pressures of 5–6 GPa and at temperatures of 1300–1600°C.

  • Advancements in science has enabled us to produce diamonds in a much more sustainable manner using moderate temperatures (700°C to 1300°C) and lower pressures. Carbon-containing gas is pumped into a vacuum chamber and deposits onto a diamond seed, crystallizing as laboratory-grown diamond. The eventual size of the diamond depends on the time allowed for growth.

  • Our Lab Grown Diamonds are produced in some of the world’s most environmentally friendly certified facilities and free from any ethical issues